Our responsible gambling policy
Evian Casino commits to ensuring that gaming remains fun by adopting preventative measure to ensure every client is protected and to guarantee an unequalled experience, whilst providing support to prevent the risk of addiction.
Our teams are well trained and attentive, to help you stay in control of your gambling, so fun times can be had. Player protection is central to our commitments and our policy.
Would you like to assess your gambling?
Take the test by completing this online questionnaire; it will allow you to assess your behaviour with regard to gambling.
We're here to support you
Our responsible gambling advisors are available to support you in a caring and non-judgemental way.
Don't hesitate to make an appointment to assess your situation by asking a member of the Management Team.
Drawing on their experience, after a first meeting, the advisor will offer you concrete solutions to stay in control of your gambling.

What are the warning signs?
To help you to detect early warning signs of addiction, here are some examples of behaviours to look out for.
- Significant increase in time spent gambling
- Wanting to try again whatever the cost
- Increase in cheque transactions or credit card withdrawals
- Increase in sums involved and increase in the amount of single bets
- Borrowing on credit/asking for loans from other players…
If you are encountering this type of behaviour, our advisors are here to help you.

Our support measures
To protect you in this process, we can put preventative and protective measures in place. Our aim is to provide support adapted to your needs.
Voluntary Limitation of Access (LVA), for a duration chosen by you together with our advisor (from 3 to 12 months, renewable), allowing for between 0 and 4 visits per month. This measure is only applicable at Evian Casino.
Voluntary Gambling Ban (Self Exclusion), which must be undertaken by yourself. It is registered by the National Gambling Authority (Autorité Nationale du Jeu) for a minimum of 3 years, irrevocable and valid across all French casinos.
You are able to set this up directly online

Are you experiencing difficulties with gambling and would like to stop? You can protect yourself by applying to the ANJ for a voluntary gambling ban. This procedure is strictly confidential and personal.
Advisors at your service
JOUEURS INFO SERVICE : de 8h à 2h, appel non surtaxé
Casino d'Evian representative :
Audrey Menard
Tel :
Email: amenard@evianresort.com
Autorité Nationale des Jeux :
Service interdiction de jeux
99-101 Rue Leblanc
750515 PARIS
Consultez le site internet ici
Guichet de la Banque de France ou secrétariat de la commission de surendettement de Haute-Savoie :
9 bis av. de Chambéry – 74000 ANNECY
Tél :
ou déposer un dossier en ligne en cliquant ici.
CMP (Centres Médico-Psychologiques) de votre département
Evian-les-Bains : 20 rue de la Touvière – 74500
Tél :
Thonon-les-Bains : 28 Av. de Genève – 74200
Tél :
Annecy : 1 B Boulevard du Fier – 74000
Tél :
Centre de soins, d’accompagnement et de prévention en addictologie du Chablais
5 chemin Vieux – 74200 THONON-LES-BAINS
Tél :
Site web
Contact mail : csapa.thonon@anpaa.asso.fr
Infirmière – Thérapeute en addictologie
Françoise Bourrel
10 Chemin du Vuard Machat- 74200 THONON-LES-BAINS